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Victoria (VIC)

Deryn Mansell

Best known for
Tiger Stone - Deryn Mansell

Deryn Mansell

  • Author

While working and studying in Indonesia, Deryn drew on her in-country experiences and historical research to write Tiger Stone, a mystery adventure set in fourteenth-century Java. 

Tiger Stone was selected for the International Youth Library’s 2015 White Ravens Catalogue.

Deryn is also a journalist and former editor of Inside Indonesia’s bilingual education supplement.

talks and workshops

Deryn’s fiction writing presentations show how learning about different cultures and studying other languages can give a writer special storytelling powers.

In her magazine writing workshops, participants learn writing, editing and design skills as they tell their own stories to a target audience through the medium of a self-published mini-magazine.

Booking a presenter through Creative Net Speakers’ Agency is easy.

Either fill out the below form, call Paul and Terrie on (03) 9416 4062, or email directly.

And remember, there’s no booking fee.

Online enquiry form

For Deryn Mansell

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    For Deryn Mansell

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